Pentru a intelege despre tot ce vom vorbi aici,pe blog,este nevoie sa urmariti urmatoarea serie de videoclipuri,daca doresti : .Dupa ce terminati de vazut episodul,puteti continua cu urmatorul apasand pe Demascarea industriei musicale 2/10 care se afla in dreapta si asa mai departe .
In fiecare saptamana voi creea cate un nou capitol . Fiecare capitol poate avea subcapitole sau nu, accest lucru depinzand de timpul meu liber.
P.S: Nu uitati sa dati like si share pe facebook :
English: Let's start with introducion.First,I will show you one of the definitions of Illuminati : everything what you see there is totally fake.
To understand what is talking about here,on blog,you have to watch next videos if you want : .After you finish with that,you can continue with the next one,witch is in right.
In every week I will create a new chapter.Each chapter could have subchapters or not,this thing depending of my free time.
P.S: Don't forget to like and share on facebook :
P.S: Don't forget to like and share on facebook :
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